Friday, August 14, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions: Art 365 Application

Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the Art 365 application process. As more questions arise, we will add them to this list. If you're unsure about something, please ask! You can view the full call for entries at Deadline is October 16.

Deadline: Proposals must be RECEIVED at OVAC office by 5 pm on deadline of October 16. OVAC office is at 730 W Wilshire, Ste 104. That's west of Broadway Extension and east of Classen on the south side of the street in a brick and blue strip center.

What if I can’t do what I proposed or What if my idea/project changes as I work on it?

This is fine. For Art 365, we don’t expect the artwork to be completed or fully fleshed out when proposed. We hope that the selected artists will be open to progressing their idea and/or presentation of their work through dialogue with the curator. Several of the last projects of Art 365 changed significantly throughout the year while other artists had their concept pretty far along before even starting meetings with the curator. Each artist had different levels of conversation with the curator depending on their idea and how much he/she had already determined.

Is there a theme for the show?
No. The curator will select work based on the proposals presented. No doubt she will draw connections between the artwork, but there is no predetermined theme.

Does it have to be a totally new body of work unrelated to past projects?
No. Artists may submit work that connects to past artwork they’ve created.

Am I eligible for this if I’ve taken part or want to participate in other OVAC programs?
Yes. The eligibility requirements are spelled out in the application and are the only requirements we are using—1. must be Oklahoma resident over the age of 18 from application time through exhibition 2. cannot be a degree-seeking student 3. cannot have received Art 365 award in past

Yes, you can still apply for OVAC grants (although not for this same project), you can have participated in Momentum Spotlight, and you can receive Oklahoma Visual Arts Fellowships.

Should I make my proposal presentation fancy?
No. OVAC will be putting proposals into binders for the curator’s review. Any fancy packaging or things that fall outside the proposal checklist will not be included. We recommend focusing your attention on your project description and other application components.

Why can’t students submit?
OVAC offers programs for artists at different levels and stages of their careers. Art 365 is oriented toward independent studio artists, especially knowing how hard it is to find direct, ongoing feedback for your work. Students have opportunities for feedback through school, not to mention have different pressures on their time. Please remember the
Momentum Spotlight program if you are a student aged 30 or under.

Resources for: “How do I…”
Create a resume?

Write an artist statement?

Select images as my artwork samples?

Write a proposal?
See OVAC’s ASK workshops about proposal writing offered September 10 & 15

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