Monday, April 9, 2012

Terri Higgs: Dying Color & Poems in Silk

Guest Author: Richard Wills, Tulsa Art Studio Tour Committee Member

Terri Higgs, Jacket, Silk dye on Crêpe de Chine
Terri Higgs has allowed herself to be pulled into the process of silk painting because it helps her to “connect with the world around her.” Higgs' intent is to “create art that does more than sit on the wall.” Her art gets to go out, explore, go dancing, or wrap someone up in comfort or warmth. 
Tulsa Art Studio Tour artist Terri Higgs (photo by RC Morrison)
Expanding her style past traditional silk painting methods, Higgs often incorporates poems, prayers and nature into her designs. With the windows open, and the mood set, Higgs enters her studio leaving the world behind her, and letting the silk guide her path.

Meet & see the working studio of Higgs along with 10 other artists on April 21-22, noon until 5 pm on the Tulsa Art Studio Tour. Read more in Art Focus Oklahoma magazine or purchase tickets here