Monday, November 30, 2009

Juried Exhibitions: In Oklahoma

OVAC gathered an initial list of recurring juried exhibitions open to Oklahoma artists and we need your help.

We know there are many opportunities for artists to show and compete in our state. Please help us gather the most comprehensive list possible. You can see the list here. Send updates or additions to Stephanie Ruggles Winter or post them as a comment.

We want to list regular exhibitions to which many Oklahoma artists can submit, so are not including things like student shows or exhibitions only open to a small group. If an Oklahoma artist could submit, pay an entry fee or become a member to participate, we want to list it.

For more information about juried exhibitions, see
other blog posts from this series. The Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition will offer the workshop “Jury Duty: Entering Juried Shows & Competitions” on Thursday, December 10, 2009, 5:30-7:30pm at the Price Tower Arts Center in Bartlesville.

Image caption: Ted Conley, Ardmore, "Five Cherries" award winner from USAO's 7-State Biennial


Bill the Girl said...

Thanks for providing this valuable information to Oklahoma Artist. You may add a couple of outdoor festivals open to artist next May:

Erin Merryweather said...

What a wonderful list to share.
Please also include The Girlie Show. We are a juried show in Oklahoma City for female artists...unconventional, but a juried show it is. Check us out at or email to be included in our application notification

Julia Kirt said...

Well, we may have to start a list of festivals open to OK artists. We have focused on gallery or museum-based shows.

Artists, interested?